Konstantinos I. Tsarouchas, Department of physics, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
In this paper, we present a new theory explaining the origin of inertia based on two key ideas: gravity as a spin-1 gauge field theory and the relativity of all motion. This theory proposes that inertial mass is influenced by the distribution of matter across the Universe, offering potential insights into dark matter and dark energy. For gravity to be described by a spin-1 gauge field theory, we propose that gravitational mass m, distinct from inertial mass, is a Lorentz invariant and should be replaced by an imaginary mass im for like masses to attract. According to this theory, while gravitational mass is imaginary, inertial mass remains a real quantity. These two key ideas, lead to the principle of Equivalence and the conclusion that gravity shapes the geometry of spacetime, which is FinslerRanders spacetime. For bodies with gravitational mass, this curved spacetime is equivalent to a flat Minkowski spacetime with an added gravitomagnetic field. The theory shows that external inertial forces originate from the entire Universe, while internal forces depend on the body’s structure. In free fall, all bodies experience only external forces, explaining why they fall at the same rate regardless of internal structure.
Gravitomagnetism , Mach’s principle , origin of inertia , dark matter , dark energy.
Flavio Barbiero, Pisa University, Italy
The invariance of the speed of light in RFs inmotion proves that the space time is a quantistic entity, because its “density” is determined only if related to an observer. The difference of this density between two observers in relative motion is given bya set of transformation equationsobtained by analysing the propagation of aflash of light in a 3D RF.They show that the RFs of the two observers are displaced, onewith respect to the other,towards an imaginary direction by a spatial component transverse to the motion,and as a consequence their respective “density" is reducedby a ratio √(1-v^2/c^2 ).Therefore the two observers, watching the same physical phenomenon (for example the displacement of an object from point A to point B), would measure different values for space and time, same value for velocities, but different accelerations and therefore different forces acting on the object.
Invariance of speed of light, relativity of space-time, longitudinal and transverse mass, the ether, gravito-magnetic field.
Fred D. Lang, Exergetic Systems Limited, Salt Spring Island, Canada
This paper asserts that the nuclear phenomena has had no traditional computational nexus with the Second Law of thermodynamics. Since N Reactor days, there has been no direct nexus between nuclear power and its resultant energy flow delivered to the coolant. N Reactor neutron flu was not well measured, but was the motive force behind delivering 4000 MWt to the the Columbia River. It is well known that neutron flux in a 1270 MWe PWR is approximately 1.0x1013 1n0cm-2 sec-1 . This flux a product of Neutron Transport Theory (NTT). However, a back-calculating a flux based on the PWR’s rated 3640 MWt divided by average macro cross section, fissile volume and recoverable MeV/Fission, produces twice the NTT flux. From the time of the Manhattan Project, nuclear engineers had treated flux as a relative parameter: hard to measure, a relative value to be normalized, is not uniform, etc., etc. Postulated in this work is that nuclear phenomena are inertial processes, devoid of terrestrial reference. Such phenomena encompass fission and fusion power, astrophysics and radioactivity; all such phenomena provided the reaction produces a mass defect. This approach demands reinterpretation of Einstein’s 𝛥𝐸 = 𝑐 2𝛥𝑚 by describing his ΔE as an exergetic potential, an ultimate “Free Exergy”. Free Exergy consists of both recoverable and irreversible portions of the MeV release. In transference to a coolant, the recoverable release produces an exergetic increase (ṁΔg) in the fluid; its exergy’s 𝑇𝑅𝑒𝑓 derives from an Inertial Conversation Factor (Ξ). Importantly, Ξ also transforms this recoverable nuclear release to an explicit, and consistent, thermal power (ṁΔh).
First and Second Laws, Core Thermal Power, Irreversibilities, Neutrino, Neutron Flux.